
Orthodontic Conundrums Part 3: Indications for the loss of a lower incisor

The most frequently reported indication is a mild to moderate Class III malocclusion, where the incisors are edge-to-edge, or in anterior crossbite with minimal or reduced overbite.3,9 The decrease in...

Idiopathic condylar resorption in orthodontics

The TMJ is covered with a layer of fibrous cartilage. During ICR, the tissue breaks down and the outer cortex of the osseous condyle begins to resorb. This can lead to narrowing and shortening of the...

Non-conventional methods for accelerating orthodontic tooth movement. A contemporary overview

In recent times, there has been an increase in the number of approaches aimed at accelerating OTM. In this article, we have explored the majority of proposed surgical and non-surgical approaches...

Orthodontic management of impacted mandibular second molars: A case series

Management of patients with impacted MM2s involves a full history and examination, including a full orthodontic assessment, as well as appropriate radiographic examination. Consideration can also be...

Composite and bonding agent sensitivity in orthodontics

Four types of hypersensitivity (Table 1) were originally classified by Gell and Coombs in 19636 and remain commonly used today. The classification stems from the concept of immediate and delayed forms...

Endogenous Tongue Thrust – Myth?

A 28-year-old female, HM, presented for an orthodontic consultation with concerns about the appearance of her front teeth. She did not like her smile arc or the gap between her upper and lower front...

Patient Questionnaires in Orthodontics

Questionnaires can be used in research, quality improvement or to gather clinical data. They are tools for collecting data, rather than a specific methodology, so can be used in a diverse range of...

Partial Glossectomy as an adjunct to Orthodontic Treatment of Anterior Open Bite Associated with Macroglossia: A Case Report

Incomplete eruption of anterior teeth may result in an anterior open bite. Should the patient have potential for further eruptive change of the incisors, then monitoring would be prudent. Failure of...

Orthodontic Conundrums Part 2: Finishing Cases to a Class III Molar Relationship

There is good reason why the Class I molar relationship has long been considered as the ideal. This arrangement, when combined with a Class I canine and incisor relationship, has the greatest...

An Evidence-based Protocol for the Management of Orthodontic Patients Undergoing MRI Scans

An initial scoping search was carried out using an internet search engine (Google) to check for existing protocols; none was found. Following this, a literature search was performed using five...

Traumatic Iatrogenic Complications Associated with Orthodontic Treatments: A Systematic Review

The objective of this systematic review is to summarize the incidence of TICs following orthodontic treatment, with the primary outcome being complications caused during treatment, as a result of...

Stainless steel ligatures in orthodontic treatment

The use of lacebacks in orthodontic clinical practice constitutes an area of controversy both among clinicians and in the literature. Lacebacks were primarily popularized by McLaughlin and Bennett as...

The South Wales Peer Review Group: A Case Study in Collaboration Part 2

The first topic area to be explored was the Phases of Change (Figure 2), which would see the triggers for the various stages of de-escalation. The concept of the R0 value was discussed and how this...

Social Media and Orthodontics

Recent years have seen an explosion in the use of social media platforms for the purpose of marketing. As well as the well-established platforms such as Facebook and Twitter, there are newer entrants...