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Borrie F, Bearn D Early correction of anterior crossbites: a systematic review. J Orthod. 2011; 38:175-184
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An alternative method for anterior crossbite correction

From Volume 17, Issue 2, April 2024 | Pages 80-81


Catherine Anderson


Specialist Orthodontist, Contour Orthodontists, Winchester

Articles by Catherine Anderson

Email Catherine Anderson

Christian Day

BDS, MFDS, MSc, MOrth, FOrth, BDS, MFDS MSc, MOrth

Consultant Orthodontist, Bristol Dental Hospital, UK

Articles by Christian Day

Eva Lewin


Specialist Orthodontist, Contour Orthodontists, Winchester

Articles by Eva Lewin


CPD/Clinical Relevance: The reader will learn an alternative method for correcting anterior crossbites.


Anterior crossbites are a common feature seen in the mixed dentition and are reported in 7–10% of the UK population.1 Causes of anterior crossbite can be dental, or a reflection of an underlying Class 3 skeletal relationship.

Anterior crossbites can cause gingival recession to the lower incisors when the teeth are pushed labially out of the alveolar bone, and attrition to the incisal edges or labial surface of the upper incisors.2 The main patient concern is the appearance of a ‘stuck behind tooth’.

There are several appliance treatment options for anterior crossbites. The traditional approaches are either using an upper removable appliance with palatal springs, or a fixed appliance with 2 x 4 design. Treatment time has been demonstrated to take on average 6.9 months for removable and 5.5 months for fixed appliances.3 Disadvantages of a removable appliance include difficulty with speech during the initial settling in period. They also rely on good compliance.

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