Jonathan Sandy

Professor of Orthodontics, School of Oral and Dental Sciences, University of Bristol, Bristol, UK

Contemporary theories of orthodontic tooth movement

Several theories have been proposed for the mechanisms underlying orthodontic tooth movement. An empirical known is that mechanical stimuli bring about cellular responses resulting in tooth movement..

Infection control: current status. risks, research, rules and recycling

Infection control protocols are risk-management strategies to prevent transmission of infectious agents from one person to another. This includes transmission to both patients and dental workers. All...

What factors might affect the success of fixed appliance therapy in adolescent patients? part 2

The factors affecting the outcome of fixed appliance therapy within the adolescent can be related to the patient, the operator and the appliance. However, it is difficult to be specific and isolate...

What factors might affect the success of fixed appliance therapy in adolescent patients? part 1

The efficiency of a course of orthodontic treatment can be defined not only in terms of the total duration of treatment, but also by the total number of visits, their length, the cost and quantity of...