Aman Ulhaq

Consultant in Orthodontics, Edinburgh Dental Institute, Edinburgh, UK

The South Wales Peer Review Group: A Case Study in Collaboration Part 2

The first topic area to be explored was the Phases of Change (Figure 2), which would see the triggers for the various stages of de-escalation. The concept of the R0 value was discussed and how this...

Surgical Methods for Accelerating Orthodontic Tooth Movement

Corticotomy is defined as a surgical cut or an intentional surgical injury to cortical bone without penetrating the medullary bone. Kole was the first to introduce this concept into orthodontics.5...

The South Wales Peer Review Group: A Case Study in Collaboration Part 1

An initial core group of participants representing England, Scotland, Wales and the Republic of Ireland, from both primary and secondary care, came together to outline a backbone of challenges which...

Orofacial Granulomatosis in an Orthodontic Patient: a Case Report

A 14-year-old male was transferred to the Orthodontic department at Addenbrooke's Hospital, Cambridge, from another hospital unit due to his family relocating. He was already undergoing fixed...

Origin and type of articles published in four mainstream orthodontic journals: a five-year study

Four mainstream orthodontic journals were selected from the top 10 journals in the SJR Ranking: Angle Orthodontist (AO), American Journal of Orthodontics (AJODO), European Journal of Orthodontics...