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Autotransplantation relies on successful interdisciplinary teamwork, utilizing the skills of each team member to optimize the outcome. During treatment planning, orthodontic input is required to determine whether orthodontic treatment is indicated and if a suitable donor tooth will be available. The orthodontist has a role in providing pre-surgical orthodontics to prepare the recipient site for the donor tooth and post-surgical orthodontics to correct the malocclusion fully and achieve the treatment goals. This article will outline the role of the interdisciplinary team members with an emphasis on the orthodontic aspects of treatment planning and the orthodontic treatment components of the autotransplantation pathway.
CPD/Clinical Relevance: Orthodontists have a key role in the autotransplantation team for both planning and provision of care. This article provides information for clinicians who wish to refer patients for autotransplantation or provide orthodontic care as part of the interdisciplinary team.
One of the most challenging aspects of orthodontic treatment planning and delivery is the replacement of missing or poor prognosis teeth in growing children. Tooth transplantation has many advantages in the growing child, but success depends on careful case selection and treatment planning by a team with appropriate skills.
To achieve an optimal outcome from autotransplantation, it is essential to involve clinicians from different specialties with specific skills. The potential roles of the various team members are outlined in Table 1, although this may vary between units. Both paediatric and restorative dentists may provide expertise in assessing poor prognosis teeth, recipient sites and donor teeth. Similarly, surgical procedures may be performed by paediatric dentists, restorative dentists or oral surgeons. The exact composition of the team should be developed to optimize skills to ensure an efficient care pathway with predictable outcomes. Within the team, the roles are defined to plan transfer of care at the appropriate time.
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