Jonathan Sandler

Consultant Orthodontist, Chesterfield Royal Hospital, Chesterfield, UK


Multidisciplinary Treatment – A Case Report

A medically fit and healthy 10-year-old Caucasian male attended the orthodontic clinic at Royal Chesterfield hospital following referral from his general dental practitioner. He presented with a Class...


One of the compelling reasons that we were told we had to move to National Recruitment was that this is ‘the way it is done in Medicine’, therefore we had no choice. I never had any truck with this...

Training and scope of practice for orthodontic auxiliaries: where does the uk sit within europe?

The training, qualification, registration and scope of practice for all orthodontic auxiliaries in the UK has been agreed between the General Dental Council (GDC) and the British Orthodontic Society...

Tricks of the trade: the gagging patient – salt solution

This gag response can be due to the physical contact to certain trigger areas by the mirrors, the action of opening wide or even just the thought of the procedure. For those patients where the...

NICE Guidance on the Extraction of Wisdom Teeth – Time for a Rethink?

NICE was launched 26 February 1999, and although its name has slightly changed over the years, briefly adding H for health to the acronym, the organization has always aspired to provide guidance on...


Following a complaint by a registered specialist orthodontist, the Advertising Standards Agency investigated claims on a website run by GDC registrants, about the supposed ‘benefits’ of Damon braces..

Managing the transverse dimension

The different methods of correcting transverse discrepancies have been discussed. Clinicians need to be aware of the respective merits and limitations for each of these methods. The method chosen will...