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The South Wales Peer Review Group: A Case Study in Collaboration Part 2 Nizar Mhani Peter Fowler Benjamin Lewis Carlen Chandler Aman Ulhaq Christine Smith Julie Williams Upen Vithlani Dental Update 2025 13:4, 707-709.
BSc, BDS, MScD MFDS, MOrth FDS Orth, MPhil
Consultant, Honorary Lecturer and Founder of SWPRG, Royal Gwent Hospital, Nevill Hall Hospital
A two-part article is presented where a novel case study of how peer group collaboration, facilitated through digital technology, can be used to aid and facilitate the development of strategies for overcoming work-based challenges. Part 1 illustrated the importance of peer review in dentistry, introduced the inception of the South Wales Peer Review Group and explored the process of assembling the team of collaborators.
Part 2 explains how the various considerations were assessed, how the collaborative ideas evolved and what outcomes were agreed. The topics for future discussion, necessary to overcome the challenges ahead, are also outlined.
CPD/Clinical Relevance: During the COVID-19 pandemic, new strategies and protocols need to be developed to adhere to emerging and changing guidelines. The process of peer group collaboration is important for shaping the new service beyond the pandemic.
In Part 1 the authors illustrated the process of initiating peer group collaboration, facilitated through digital technology, to aid the development of strategies for overcoming work-based challenges brought about by the current COVID-19 pandemic. The aim of Part 2 is to provide an explanation of how the various considerations were assessed, how the Mind Map evolved, and what outcomes were agreed.
Following the May 2020 assembly of the South Wales Peer Review Group (SWPRG), which consisted of a heterogeneous cohort of participants including academics and clinicians from a diverse geographic spread, the use of online technology enabled a detailed and interactive discussion. Using the electronic Mind Map tool, Miro® (Figure 1), various concepts and discussions were visually documented whilst following a flow of themes around certain key topics. This contemporary methodology could shape future meetings and cement the concept of virtual meetings as an effective model to adopt by the specialty and the profession at large.
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