
From Volume 8, Issue 3, July 2015 | Page 77



Jim McDonald

Five years is a long time in Orthodontics - new materials, new techniques, new research and, indeed, new individuals all emerge with incredible speed. How fortunate we are this year, therefore, to be hosting the 8th International Congress in London this September - a stupendous event held in a different part of the world every five years, whereby in the region of 10,000 Orthodontists and associated professionals meet to exchange, inform, socialize and generally celebrate the specialty we all so enjoy.

A special mention must be extended to the UK Organizing Committee, led so ably by Jonathan Sandler, in bringing together such an excellent programme, mixing the best of International speakers with a wide variety of home-grown talent - ideal!

An unmissable opportunity on our doorstep - book now!

The July issue of Orthodontic Update continues to offer the comprehensive coverage of our specialty we have come to expect, with a mixture of the thought-provoking – ‘the care pathway from birth to adulthood for oro-facial cleft patients’ (which will become mandatory reading for all those professionals involved in cleft care), to the intensely clinical offerings on ‘Impacted teeth’, ‘Intra-oral arches’ and ‘Transposition difficulties’ and how they may be overcome.

We add to this the well received ‘Tricks of the Trade’ and verifiable CPD in the hope that you will enjoy it all.